Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Shrink Wrapped

I am SO not qualified for ministry. I frittered away my college years getting two doctorates that had nothing to do with theology, ministry, or baptistry maintainence. What was I thinking? Actually -- I can tell you: I always knew that one day I would need a shrink so I became one so that when that day came I would be there for me. When I am on the couch, eyes closed, arm over my face, I tell my wife that this is not napping: this is therapy. Leave me alone -- I'm near a breakthrough. One more plus about being a shrink: the inkblots mean whatever I say they mean.

It's also pretty cool being in an elders' meeting thinking "I could sign a couple of forms and these guys would be in a padded room and never eat with a fork again." Not that I would really think something like that. Really. Never crossed my mind.

Having the degrees helps when I am called to speak on this or that. I am leaving tomorrow for Indiana where I'll do three days on angels and demons. After a couple of days at home I go to New Jersey to do three days on Christian evidences and then one day (at another church) on a standard Bible-type topic. Right after I get back to Detroit I have to go to Phoenix to do three days on marriage and family issues. When I get back home I have to take off for West Virginia to do three days on mental health issues.

I get to meet interesting people -- many of whom need a shrink, or a minister, or both. I'll overhear enough conversations to feed my sermon illustrations for a few more months. I'll eat 3.5 miniature pretzels per flight which is good because I'm going to need my strength to fight Mongo in the seat beside me when he tries to take over the armrest that God, Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles can all plainly see belongs to me by right. The stewardess... sorry... flight attendant will not be helpful as she can't manage to get her walker down the tight aisle and, besides, her oxygen tank only has a twelve foot long tube and I'm sitting back in the "let's slaughter a chicken for lunch" section among the rolled up prayer rugs.

Not that I'm complaining.

Shrink humor: when someone tells me their dream I like to scream and run away. I had one guy ask me if I thought he was paranoid. I said, "That's what everybody's saying." Another guy said he thought he had an inferiority complex. I said, "Yes, but it's not a very good one." Another time two extremely whiny people came in and after a painful twenty minutes hearing them complain about each other in tones that only dogs could hear I told them I couldn't help them as I was never trained in child psychology. I'm not proud about that one. (okay -- a little)

I never said I was a good shrink. I said I was cheap. There's a difference. Here's the good news for you who get to stay at home and worry about who gets kicked off what reality show: if you could get in my head you would pay money to get out.


At 10/18/2005 09:44:00 PM , Blogger Bill Williams said...

Okay. You started it...

Q: How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Just one! But, the light bulb’s gotta’ wanna’ change!

...May God bless you with safety in your travels and the words you need to shape lives for eternity.

At 10/19/2005 08:04:00 AM , Blogger Hoots Musings said...

Your post made me Laugh!
I am sending it to my insane psychologist girlfriend who once told me she was my friend because I kept her grounded and I was the most sane person she knew.


Blessings and traveling mercies as you tour the United States via American Airlines.

At 10/19/2005 09:24:00 AM , Blogger Cheetah, the cheetah said...

Patrick, I laughed out loud reading your blog today. I even shared it with my daughter over the phone and she laughed too. She said, "Mom, did he say 'baptistry maintenance'?"

Thank you for making me laugh today and I wish you could hear all the excited comments I'm hearing about you and the cruise. You are a loved man!

At 10/19/2005 09:50:00 AM , Blogger Lee Hodges said...

What a hoot! You made my day. By the way, what do Shrinks shrink?

At 10/19/2005 01:24:00 PM , Blogger Jo said...

I always say that everyone you meet is crazy and falls into one of two categories - those you can live with and those you can't. I think you're in that former group.

Thanks for the laugh! Be sure to take a break after all that traveling.

At 10/19/2005 03:31:00 PM , Blogger Steve said...

Being a social worker, I can add to you list.

My favorite description of a person who is "not all there" is: He/she is one tree shy of a hammock. There's a word picture for you.

For a real picture you need in your office: http://www.despair.com/demotivators/dysfunction.html

Thanks for the laughs today.

At 10/19/2005 06:17:00 PM , Blogger PatrickMead said...

For Bill -- you know how many CoC elders it takes to change a lightbulb? "Change? Change! Whaddya mean change? We don't need to change...."

For Laurie -- remember that shrinkdom can be very anti-God so enter it only fully armored, as wise as a snake and harmless as a dove. And it doesn't hurt if the dove is packing a Glock and/or a book of witty rejoinders.

At 10/20/2005 05:26:00 PM , Blogger Keith Brenton said...

My wife has a friend who is a psychologist, specializing in dream therapy. She has stopped telling people that, though, because then everyone starts asking her questions like "What does a dog mean?"

Since she told us that, every time Angi and I have come across an incomprehensible dilemma, one or the other of us asks, "What does a dog mean?"

Okay, that's not funny at all when I type it here and it's just one of those "you had to be there" things and this is really not helping my poorly-developed inferiority complex.

At 10/20/2005 06:32:00 PM , Blogger PatrickMead said...

And never forget the insomniac dsylexic agnostic who laid awake at night and wondered "is there a dog?"

At 10/23/2005 01:27:00 AM , Blogger Niki said...

You're a nut! :) I love reading your blog! Happy Trails Patrick! Thanks for the laughs today!

At 10/26/2005 12:44:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think I'm suffering from Hypochondria!


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