The Treasure Box
I have one. I know that Jack Exum has one, too. I would assume that God has His own version. Of what? let me explain...
Yesterday was a banner day for me at worship. For some reason, at different times, seven little children came running up to hug me. I got on my knees for each one, hugged them back, and thanked them. What a wonderful gift and honor! Then one little girl with the beautiful name "Fonda Lilly" came up, shyly, bearing a picture of Snow White and the Prince that she had colored and 'signed' for me. I promised her that I would have it forever. It would be placed in my treasure box.
In that box (really a series of files) are all the drawings and colored pictures and scribbled 'notes' that children have brought me over the year. My children's work is in there, too. For example, my son recently left me a note saying he was sorry to miss me since I'd been out of town, but he had to go to work. It said he was looking forward to seeing me in the morning. Coming from a sixteen year old, I thought that was wonderful. So it went into the box.
On dark days when things seem to be falling apart I get out my treasure box and go through it. Thank you cards from churches I visited (today, I put one from the Pitman Church of Christ in New Jersey in there. Thanks, ladies!), nice personal notes from people whose parents I helped in their last days, outlines of children's hands -- kids who now have their own kids -- along with hearts drawn with great effort all around the edges. and loving cards from my wife.... all in my treasure box.
I am a man who is painfully aware of his limitations and flaws. I live in a place where clouds and cold rule most of the year... and I get depressed in the cold and dark. The treasure box helps me survive and, yes, even thrive nonetheless. I have no storehouse of treasures on earth; we prefer giving to getting and even refuse to pile up a retirement account. My retirement plan is to die. In the meantime, when I need a hint of heaven, I open the box and remember the pure hearts and sincere hugs all this represents.
I am thankful for them all.